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Join Our Team!

Crossroads Community Church in Manitowoc, Wisconsin is seeking a part time Director of Music Ministry.  This person will oversee our Sunday morning music ministry.  Their priority is to effectively recruit, train, and direct musicians at Crossroads to lead people into worship through music.  If this is a role that you feel God may be calling you to please read the full job description below, and then follow the steps to apply.


If you are interested in applying, here are your next steps...

  1. To view the detailed job description, please click on the following: Job description
  2. Please submit a resume and cover letter to [email protected] 
  3. We will call you to talk through the next steps in the process.
  4. The position will remain open through June 13, 2023.


We are praying and trusting that God will place the right person in this role. If you have any questions prior to applying or wish to talk with one of our staff in an effort to inform your decision, please feel free to reach out by emailing us at [email protected], or call the church office at (920) 694-1552 and we will have one of them reach out to you.